Remember the big dust-up about Craigslist and their erotic services postings? Did you know that it was a Black woman who finally convinced Craigslist to take their erotic services postings down? Well it was and her name is Malika Saada Saar.
Malika Saada Saar, the founder of The Rebecca Project for Human Rights , is a prisoner's rights activist. The reason that she fought to have Craigslist remove its erotic services postings was because she noticed that a lot of juvenile girls who were in jail had been sold as prostitutes on Craigslist's erotic services board.
So how did she do it?
At first Malika tried to contact Craigslist founder Craig Newmark. When that didn't work her foundation The Rebecca Project for Human Rights bought a half page ad in the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper. Craigslist in located in San Francisco.
In the ad two minor girls describe how they were sold for sex by men who used Craigslist's erotic services board to advertise. One girl who was called "MC" in the ad wrote the following.
“I was first forced into prostitution when I was 11 years old by a 28-year-old man…The man who trafficked me sold many girls my age, his house was called ‘Daddy Day Care.’ All day, me and other girls sat with our laptops, posting pictures and answering ads on Craigslist, he made $1,500 a night selling my body, dragging me to Los Angeles, Houston, Little Rock—and one trip to Las Vegas in the trunk of a car.”
The ads were not enough to move Craigslist to remove the ads. That 's when Saada Saar enlisted the help of U.S. Attorneys General Eric Holder. And once Mr. Holder became involved Craigslist pulled the erotic services board.
It's amazing isn't it that back when this was a big story in the mainstream media Malika wasn't even mentioned. The media likes to try to turn a bunch of people into heroes who don't deserve it. But they have almost ignored Malika who is without a doubt a hero!
Good job, Malika!
Read more about this story here
wow, i had no idea at all. you are soo right that the media makes heroes out of the wrong people all the time. needless to say at least a small bit of good has come out of this, even though we know those monsters will find another way to do their evil
I'd never heard anything about her, or even knew of her existence before now, and that's prolly done on purpose. If the media can't demonize you, they have little use for you. But what this sista's done deserves a standing ovation! Seems like O's people should given HER a call... but... well... y'know.
I never even heard of this woman. Thanks Val for making me aware of this inspirational sister.
True, this will just slow them down. But even slowing them down is a good thing.
I wouldn't even want Obama's Admin to call her, they wouldn't treat her right.
Milika has a connection with your city. She has a law degree from Georgetown University.
I think the "O" meant Oprah.
While she (Ms Saar) is accomplished she is also hot.
Oprah isn't interested in heroes unless they're White.
I remember when this all went down, as I was working for CPS in SF at the time. There were mad police sting ops and other city programs trying to stop this madness and help the young women and girls involved. Not once do I remember hearing of Malika Saada Saar and 'her' efforts.
Once again, Val, thanks for sharing the wealth of knowledge with us...
Oh Val, I love you for that comment on Oprah. I thought I was the only one who feels this way about her. *high fiving you*
@Felicia Monique
I remember all of that. It was going on in Oakland too. The police were doing a lot of busts along San Pablo avenue and a lot of the women on the street were actually just girls.
Yeah it's sad that Oprah has that platform but refuses to acknowledge the good that Black people do in the world.
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