"Despite Fenty's defiance, his advisers were concerned about the anger toward the mayor that simmered in black neighborhoods." Washington Post
Washington D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty lost the Mayoral Democratic primary recently. His loss can be attributed to a lot of things but one that caught my eye was Fenty's disconnect from his African American constituents. Many African Americans, who supported the soon to be former mayor in the past, voted against him.
According to many Fenty seemed tone-deaf when it came to hearing the concerns of African American constituents. This seems, in my opinion, to mirror President Barack Obama's own tone-deafness to the voices of African Americans.
Could Fenty's loss be an omen of things to come in 2012 for Obama?
Hey Val,
I guess The President's future will depend most upon which candidate will be running against him. As far as Af-Ams are concerned, I don't see the majority of us voting for a Republican or a Tea Party candidate (God forbid!). So, either black & brown folks will vote to reelect him, or else stay home in droves (as we have historically done).
That's not to say he will be victorious, because, as of now, so many people in this country appear to be unhappy w/ him & his performance.
If the election were held today, I would still vote for him because he seems to be the lesser of the two (or 3) political hells.
Time & the rest of his term will determine his Presendential future.
I don't think Obama is tone deaf. I think he's straight up deaf.
I think his second term will be much more difficult to secure. He'll desperately need voters to support him and I'm not sure they will.
I agree with Moanerplicity, it will depend on who is running against him. The way it's looking now, it's the Republicans' presidency to lose. Especially if Republicans win in next month's elections as predicted.
I remember during Obama's campaign one of the knocks against him was that he didn't posses the testicular fortitude to handle all that comes with being POTUS.
Obama and Fenty mirror each other in so many ways. I'm in DC and the common bread AA community here(especially East of the River) couldn't stand Fenty and that's why he is gone. His dedication to the revitilization of uptown and downtown was vewied as a betrayal by the people (across to river folks) that were largely responsible for his election.
At the end of it all Fenty came off as an elitist and Barack appears to be on the outskirts of elitstville.
I'm with Nicole, it's the Republicans presidency to lose and think we'll se a woman president before we see another AA male president.
Val - I'm with Jason, a woman president will be up on deck next. It will be awhile for a brotha gets in. I don't know what Obama needs to do but he's got 2 years unless he is running against a complete dope!!
That's always the problem, isn't it. Choosing the lesser of two evils. I hate that. I wish there was a real third party to choose from.
Yep, you're right.
Yeah it is their election to lose. Obama's only hope might be the Republicans running a Tea Party candidate. They're way out there on the edge.
The mayoral politics in DC are very interesting. I was following the Fenty/ Grey match-up online. It seemed that Grey was only mediocre but as you say there was some real venom aimed at Fenty.
So it might only take a mediocre candidate to unseat Obama.
"I don't know what Obama needs to do but he's got 2 years unless he is running against a complete dope!!"
Ha! Are you talking about Sarah, CO?
Makes ya wonder. I'm a DC native and I know a lot of folks were a little leery of Fenty from day 1. One of his biggest reasons for losing was the Black senior citizens' discontent with him. When Black politicians lose the support of that segment of the constituency they're undoubtedly in big trouble.
@CurvyGurl ♥
I think that's an astute observation about the senior population. Obama had better watch them like a hawk. If they turn against him it's all over. So far though I think they are just happy to have a Black Prez in their lifetime.
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