So there's a lot of talk about Tyler Perry's latest film, "For Colored Girls". I haven't seen it nor do I plan to. Truth is I've never seen a TP film. I'm just not into Black dysfunction porn. That's what all of his films are about, aren't they, Black dysfunction.
I'm a believer in self-fulfilling prophecies. And I think all of these images of Black dysfunction serve to brainwash many of us into believing that dysfunction is not only normal but the norm in Black lives moreso than for other people. And once we begin to believe this then it's easy to internalize and act out the dysfunction we see portrayed in the media.
So rather than art imitating life, life begins to imitate art.
I like TP...Just because there is always a meaning behind the foolishness...I just look deeper into than the stereotypical views....
I agree his movies just really aren't that good. The themes are redundant and the action is predictable. I do appreciate the background story and even if I hate his films he truly is the only person employing actresses I enjoy seeing. I think his raw talent took him far but his resistance to growth and maturation keep him pigeon holed. I really wish he'd use his influence to help other filmmakers of color tell their story.
Interesting terminology, Val. I never quite saw it that way before.
The old showbiz addage for success used to be "you gotta have a gimmick." T.P clearly has found his. And be damned if it continues to promote black stereotypes, or fosters the further demonization of black males in this country! His 'gimmick' has granted him untold riches & his own studio, to boot!
One can hope that he'll soon buck the traditional same ole same ole, & use his powers for the GOOD!
Tyler Perry's movies do reinforce stereotypes and he has built his career pandering to black women's insecurities but those characters in his films are reflections of real people.
There are a contingent of people that get answers and healing from Tyler Perry's films and that is who I think his movies are for. People see themselves reflected on screen, the good, bad, the humorous and the ridiculous.
The men characterized in his films (the insecure, villianous ones) aren't a reflection of me or any of my friends but unfortunately those brothers exist in the real world.
Black Dysfunction Porn is a cool title but before there is a cure, there has to be an examination to determine what the problem is. After seeing Tyler Perry's interview on Oprah there is some dark stuff going on in the recesses of his psyche having been abused the way that he has and I think he is working through his issues in his work.
I am not a fan of Tyler Perry movies, although I enjoyed For Colored Girls, not becauase those familiar themes weren't current but because it was an artistic leap for him, but one thing I've noticed about his movies is that they always have an happy ending and I think Tyler is just searching for his happy ending.
Also, when positive black films are released most of them fail at the box office. Why is that?
I hear some of us complaining about how we are portrayed on screen but when a positive film is realeased *crickets*
I really dislike his portrayals of black women. Nor do I dig his dressing up like a "mad black woman." We definitely don't need any more of that crap.
I'd much rather watch real porn to the shit he actually makes.
I am forever perplexed why people of color continue to go see his films. Given many of the disturbing stereotypical characters I've seen in his films (what little of it I could watch), you'd think he hated us.
Tell us how you really feel, Val!
Hollywood says he's the shiznit; I tend to disagree. Maybe his movies are therapeutic for him, I don't know. I'd like to see him do something uplifting for a change, but that may not be as profitable for him.
Same here.
It's really difficult for me to look past the stereotypes.
"I think his raw talent took him far but his resistance to growth and maturation keep him pigeon holed."
I agree.
Yep, he has a gimmick. It's too bad that gimmick is so destructive.
I def think he (and Oprah) have some serious issues which they take out on Black people.
I agree with you. We don't need Medea not Norbit's Rasputia or Martin Lawrence's Big Mama.
I do think he hates Black people. How else could one make such films.
@Penny Wize
I think his films are more vengeance than therapy. He def has some serious problems so hopefully he'll get therapy so he can leave us alone.
Jason broke it down in a way where it will remain forever broken.
I love how Tyler Perry's FCG has created much discussion over the past few days. I was fortunate to watch the film before it opened in theaters & I expressed how it wasn't clear, and many attacked me. Lol.
I feel somewhat vindicated. Although as Jason said, it's a decent film with pretty good acting performances.
Better than anything Tyler Perry has done, beforehand.
I'm pretty sure TP will continue with Madea and films like that, unfortunately.
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