In the box was a bunch of junk food that I liked at the time and a metal tin. When I opened the tin I saw homemade chocolate chip cookies. My girlfriend took the time to bake cookies for me and get a bunch of other stuff and mail it to me!
Those were the best cookies I've ever had. Not because of some special recipe that she used to bake them but because they were made with love. I know that sounds corny but I swear food made for you by someone that cares and loves you just tastes better.
I'll never forget how good it felt to eat those cookies that summer.
I notice a steak tastes better... If someone sent me a filet, I would consider it love.
No bout a doubt it! When someone who loves you prepares something especially w/ you in mind, you can only lick your chops & savor its deliciousness!
Lol, yeah me too.
That aint corny! anything that someone who cares for you, makes, that's the best gift ever. My favorite christmas and birthday gifts are the drawings my nephew and God Daughter make. I cherish them more then the material gifts their parents give me, for that reason.
Love makes the world go round!
Getting packages made with love is the best, it's great!!!
Don't it though!!!
Just thinking about my mother's chocolate chip cookies right now puts a big smile on my face.
By the way, pass a brother some of those Cheetos Val.
You can def have the Cheetos. I hate Cheetos!
I STILL get care packages from home...
Chips and decks of cards from Vegas hotels, old copies of The Face magazine found online, burritos from a local spot in my hometown...
I think it's just that someone takes the time to send what will make you even MORE homesick that matters.
Yep, love does make the world go round. I guess that's why care packages are so nice to get. It's love in a box!
It's the simple things that are the best.
"old copies of The Face magazine found online,.."
If someone is willing to find those for you and then send them to you they really care!
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