My thought is that despite feeling like this campaign was ill-advised it is at least a starting point for a better conversation.
In Georgia, for instance, Black women have abortions at three times the rate that White women do. I have known more than a couple Black woman who have had multiple abortions like Sherri Shepard, the idiot co-host of ABC's The View, who has admitted publicly to having had several abortions. So it seems that there are more than a few Black woman who have used abortion as an after the fact form of birth control. Therefore it seems to me a more effective campaign might have been to educate Black woman on birth control rather than trying to publicly shame them.
Val - I couldn't open your link for Sherri Shepard but I'm not suprised that she said that because she has a foolish tounge.
Reprehensible! Really beyond belief! What will they do next! Will this barrage of insult never end?? What the F#@%!
I fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know. Yeah Sherri is a dim bulb for sure.
Yeah, shaming people in public is not the way to get positive results.
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