I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hate so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain. - James A. Baldwin
I saw this quote on Daij's blog Soul Tight. It immediately struck me. There is so much hatred in the world and I often ponder why. And then I read James Baldwin's words and it becomes so clear. Hatred really does hide pain. And fear too. So all of these people in the world that spend so much time hating are really hurting. But they are afraid to feel the pain. And they are afraid to feel the fear.
I don't think hate can be eradicated but knowing the source is a start.
Ahhh Baldwin! Jimmy's words have often caused me much ponderation because they are so often searing with intelligence and some primal truth.
While most of us would rather do without hate, the ironic thing is that one has to think and really invest (which I beleive Baldwin did) in the study of hatred... in the history of what gives birth to it, in a person's psyche, soul, education, reasoning, family, belief system. To go inside another's darkness of heart, that alone can be a vurry scurry process!
I do think he had it right, because most all human patholgy stems from some form of fear, pain or ignorance.
"...most all human patholgy stems from some form of fear, pain or ignorance."
I agree. There are so many events going on today that can be summed up by Baldwin's words. If only people would just face their fears.
James Baldwin broke it down to its very last compound with that statement.
The world would be a much better place for all if freed of hatred. But then that would also signal an end to mankind's pain.
And as long as the world is built on money ... it ain't gon' happen.
I almost forgot: http://24hourhiphop.com/article.php?id=7381%20
How you get 'em is how you lose 'em.
"...And as long as the world is built on money ... it ain't gon' happen."
True, because the rich play the poor against each other.
Lol, yeah I really don't believe that story. If anything Alicia might have been trying to hang with Nikki. ;-)
Val - it makes sense. Some people have hated so long if they gave that up not only would they deal with pain but they would have an empty whole in their heart.
"...empty whole in their heart."
Can you imagine how awful it must be to be such a hateful person that without hate you are empty. Wow.
loving this entry!
Thanks for posting the quote!
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