The love of my life broke my heart into a million pieces. This was a few years ago. So needless to say we are not together. That troubles me and probably always will, that we didn't end-up together. Are you with the love of your life? That is assuming you've already met.
I'm no longer with the love of my life either, which is a travesty, considering the fact that I waited for three years and did everything within my power to earn her before finally being blessed. Every thing was perfect from where I was at in life to where her point in life.......and I refused to stop messing around on the side with the mother of my kids and threw away (ended up losing) the best thing that ever happened in my life as far as love is concerned.
My dumb ass.
Maybe the lovers we all have lost were not the love of our lives.
Maybe we were not ready for the love of our lives at the time we thought we lost the love of our life?
Anyway don't shut your eyes and heart just yet,you never know what's around the corner!
the person I thought was the love of my life was not. In hindsight, i realized I was more in love with the idea of being with my soulmate than the person I considered to be my soulmate..but at that moment in time You couldn't tell me otherwise.
Yep. It's rough isn't it. I still don't know what the solution is. I just deal with the pain. Hopefully it will subside over time.
I keep trying to tell myself that but the evidence shows otherwise, unfortunately.
It would be wonderful if I could convince myself that my true love is still to come. I've tried to look at that relationship from different angles and I keep coming to the same conclusion. :-(
The love of my life--when I was on my way home from the jewelry store with her engagement ring, she called to tell me her father was ill. She was raised Muslim but converted to Christianity before we met. Her parents have been trying to get her to convert back to Islam for years. She left Wisconsin dressed like the average woman but returned to me 3 weeks later (after her father died) covered from head to toe with black material, showing only her eyes, mouth hands and feet. I knew it was over. She said I would need to convert to Islam, which I would never have done. She was the love of my life and I'm still looking for her replacement
Well if there is a bright side it's that you know that you didn't do anything wrong. But even so that situation sounds like it was a bitter pill to swallow.
That's a very soul-investigative question. (ponders) For every time I've been IN love, I've been IN it for real. No half-stepping, no keeping someone in the interim until someone 'better' came along. I think we each have a 'soulmate' who, in essence, IS the love of our lives. But often times, soulmate's aren't necessarily the people we end up with or are even supposed to be involved with, in a deeply romantic sense.
So, to answer your question: I've HAD the love of my life (at least I believe I have. Only The Creator truly knows for sure... and only He can write our love biographies). However, I'm still blessed to have a soulmate in my life.
One Love.
You know I hadn't considered that the love of your life can be a different person than your soulmate. That's very interesting. Food for thought!
I never thought of it like that. I haven't been praying for the love of my life. I've been praying for my soulmate. I would like to think that she would be one and the same, but moanerplicity has me thinking...
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