Rumor has it that rapper/ actor and convicted felon T.I and his girlfriend Tiny like to have threesomes. Apparently T.I. finds a woman and Tiny says yea or nay. What I find interesting is not so much that they allegedly like threesomes but how these two people who like that particular thing found each other.
I find it fascinating when I come across a couple that have a very unique interest in common. I mean it's already hard for a person with very common interests to find a suitable mate but how does a person with a very uncommon interest find someone who not only shares that interest but is also compatible as a mate?

What if you're a Black punk rocker who likes to mountain climb, enjoys traveling to flea markets on weekends and is into art deco and Georgia O'Keeffe? How hard would it be for such a person to find a suitable mate with those interests? Do two such people exist? And if they do what are the odds that they could find each other much less like each other?
I think when it comes to extremes like that one party may be okay with it or be able and/or willing to try new things.
I also think people will compromise themselves for love
That is indeed a unique interest, lol.
I'm constantly amazed that people find mates that match them so well. I myself have had zero luck doing that.
Rare indeed. There's usually one person MORE into something, whatever that something might be, than another. And that person is usually more convincing, more persuasive, more aggressive in making the other see things from that perspective. However, if you comply and get onboard to do something (against your character or your own moral code) to make another person happy, that's either mad love, or supreme gullibility.
Well, unless you happen to post a personal ad CALLING for a partner who is INTO the same personal freakdom. LOL.
Yep, I think compromise probably comes into play. I'm sure lots of people get into stuff because the person the are with or want to be with is into it. I could see that being the case with Tiny and T.I.
It is amazing isn't it.
"I'm constantly amazed that people find mates that match them so well. I myself have had zero luck doing that."
Once I had great luck with it but that was only once.
"...And that person is usually more convincing, more persuasive, more aggressive in making the other see things from that perspective."
I watched an episode of a TV show called Wife Swap last week. On this episode they had a couple that believed the world was going to end in 2012. So I was wondering how these two people found each other.
But toward the end of the show it seemed that the husband was more into believing this than the wife who seemed to be convinced by her husband to believe. So I think in some cases you are absolutely right.
Great post. The photo of T.I. licking Tiny is one for the ages, as frightening as it appears. There is no telling how these two met. But knowing Atlanta has I believe I do, trust me when I say that it's surrounded some freaky ish.
I am not as surprised that these two became a couple. I am more shocked to them remaining a couple.
You are a black punk rocker?
Yeah Tiny and T.I. are a trip. And if they are both into this as reported then that might be the thing that's holding them together.
Lol, nope. I'm not a punk rocker.
I think there's a cult of people who actually do believe the world will end in 2012. There was even a film about this phenom recently. So the chances are those True Believers are prolly so adament in their theory (think: religious freaks), that they might lead with it, make it a constant topic of convo and choose their friends, lovers, associates based upon that same shared belief.
But again, as in most deviant thought/behaviors: there's always a THINK LEADER, and then there are the lemmings. Sounds like wifey was a faithful lemming.
"...there's always a THINK LEADER, and then there are the lemmings."
That pretty much sums up that couple I think.
I don't think it's weird or an extreme at all. Basically, she's bi/queer, period--and he doesn't mind sharing her with another woman. I'm sure there are tons of couples (celebrity and not) who swing.
@Felicia Monique
I don't think they're weird. I'm just fascinated with how people with very specific interests find each other.
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