So let me get this right; Gary Coleman's parents Willie and Sue Coleman, the people who stole millions of dollars from him, are all of a sudden interested in what happened to him and are trying to claim his body? Really?
Very few things surprise me these days. But the unmitigated gall of these people is surely surprising. One would think that after they stole from their own son leaving him broke as an adult that they would just sit in a corner and beg whatever God they believe in to forgive them, but no.
I certainly hope that the Colemans never get their hands on Gary's body. And I have a feeling that their real motive is to sniff around to see if he had any money they can get their greedy, evil hands on.
Whatever issues I had with Gary Coleman as a person I have let go.
You are right Val,if what you say is true about his parents,then they both should be ashame of themselves.
This is a very sad situation.
Life is very unfair with the cards we are dealt.
Gary Coleman made a conscious struggle to overcome the hindrances that his disablities imposed. He reached heights that most of us with every organ working to capacity, have not and will never reach.
I always felt admiration for him, and I think if he left behind any writings and memoirs they should definitely be published as it would be very informative as well as enlightening to see how he kept himself motivated and how he surpassed all of the prejudiced attitudes that most surely he encountered and had to deal with and overcome.
Thank you for the laughs,and the example.Rest In Peace Gary Coleman.
Val, I sent you a message to what I think is your email here on the blog. It's rather urgent. Hope you receive it. Thanks!
My mother always wonders what happened to the little adorable guy that we all knew and loved while watching Different Strokes in the late 70s.
The answer she concludes is that his parents might have had something to do with it. To be robbed by your own mother and father is a very disheartening emotion.
Gary had a really rough life. I just wish his parents would leave him be.
I'm sure a memoir by Gary would be very interesting. He really did overcome a lot. He had been sick since he was born.
I don't have an email listed on my blog. But I've set the comments on my blog to 'moderated' so you can leave me the message her in the comments and only I will be able to see it.
I def think he became a changed person after he sued his parents and found out that they stole from him.
$$$ nah, Gary's probably broker than me. I think that his parents may smell some cash though, but they'll be sniffing around for someone else's cash.
He was one angry little dude; but who's to say how anyone of us would have turned out if we were faced with the issues that he was faced with on a daily basis.
I may be right because it looks like his parents backed off trying to get his body after their lawyer got a look at his will. It looks like he had no money and now they have no interest anymore.
Pathetic huh?!?
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