Some beef, we don't know which because the FDA won't force beef companies to tell us, comes from the off-spring of cloned cows.
Most of the food we eat contains genetically altered/ engineered ingredients. But of course there is no law requiring companies to label what is genetically altered.
Most of the time we have no idea where our food is grown, processed or packaged. There is no law requiring companies to label food with that info.
A toxic chemical called BPA (bishphenol A) is in most canned foods. BPA has been in the news lately and the media is acting as though this is a new discovery when a simple google of BPA shows that this info has been around for a few years.
There is mercury in most fish. So much so that doctors warn pregnant women to severely limit their intake of fish.
A chemical called Benzene is found in most soda. The chemical forms when a chemical reaction occurs between ascorbic acid and potassium benzoate. The FDA has known about this since 1990 but withheld the info from the public for 16 years. Benzene causes cancer.
And people wonder why we have so much more disease today...
tout à fait d'accord avec UGLYBLACKJOHN.
Très bon sujet.
I avoid soda like the plague; it's poison in a can.
I shouldn't have read this post...at least not while sipping on a large Sprite and chomping on an order cheeseburger and fries.
I saw that on the news last night. And I don't think I can be a vegetarian or vegan though. I don't know what to eat anymore
And big pharma has the answer to cure all of those diseases.
This is something we all need to think about. Thanks.
Yeah it is and imagine all the soda that kids drink.
Lol, sorry to ruin your lunch.
Yeah I know right. You walk into a grocery store and it's scary to think that most of the stuff they sell will kill you.
I've actually been moving toward vegetarianism for a while. I'm lucky to live in an area with quite a few farmer's markets and I've been taking advantage.
Hi Val, just discovered your blog and added you to mine.
I don't think I mind eating a cloned cow, since a clone is the same as an identical twin... but, what I'd find utterly revolting is eating meat grown in a petri dish directly from cells. Read that's a possibility that makes me queasy thinking about it.
Yeah, you're right about the cloned beef but it's still creepy.
Today in the news they announced that some scientists created life from chemicals in a lab so you're right about the petri dish cows being on the way.
Thanks for the add, I've added you too.
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