I certainly wish Bret well but I really must say that it was his illness that won him the Apprentice tittle last night. Holly was the better competitor throughout the show and raised, for charity, more money than anyone in the history of the show. But everyone seemed to feel Bret should win because he made it to the final show despite his recent illness.
Oh well. Congrats to Holly for a great job on the show. And you can show your support for Holly's charity, the HollyRod Foundation by purchasing Snapple's CompassionBerry Tea, which she formulated on the show.
I thought it was nice that Donald Trump gave Holly Robinson Peete a big prize for her charity, too. I think even she knew going in she would have a hard time beating him, what with the sympathy factor, too.
Gina Wilhelm Actress
Imma' huge HRP fan.
I'm also a huge USC fan so when Holly married Rodney - I wasn't mad at her.
But yeah... she should have won.
Yeah, that was nice that they gave money to Holly's charity as well. And I think you're right about Holly knowing she wasn't going to win.
She was great wasn't she. Oh well at least she got a lot of publicity for her foundation and money too.
Yeah, she should have won, but I guess I understand why Bret won instead.
Yeah, that seems to be the general consensus.
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