So here I am trying to enjoy my 3-day weekend and....
Whatever British Petroleum was trying to do all last week to stop the oil leak in the Gulf did not work. Am I surprised? Hell no I'm not surprised. What I am surprised about is that President Obama does not seem to get it. It's almost like this thing is playing out in slow motion and Obama still can't get up to speed.
It's becoming more and more obvious that BP has more power than President Obama, don't you think?
Someone needs to get BP the heck out of the way and find someone, the Army Corp of Engineers, a foreign government or whomever and get this damned leak plugged!
It is possible that we've already reached the point of no return as far as the health of the Gulf of Mexico is concerned. There is an astounding amount of oil in the Gulf and toxic dispersant right along with it. How many years will it be before anyone will be able to eat fish from the Gulf? How long will it take for the wetlands to come back?
And the scariest question is what if this leak goes on for months? Is it possible that this spill can foul all of the world's oceans? I'm not scientist but I know that ocean currents are strong enough to carry this oil a great distance.
This could turn into a world wide disaster of epic proportions.
What's sad Val is our government doesn't have the expertise to fix this disaster.
Begining with President Reagan and continuing through today,our government have been privatizing a lot of the things we have come to expect the government to do.
So bottom line don't expect to see any government worker out there stopping this spill.
BP has the world by the tail!
"Begining with President Reagan and continuing through today,our government have been privatizing a lot of the things we have come to expect the government to do."
That is an excellent point. I think you are right.
Yup,I agree! This is looking BAD,BAD,BAD,!!!
What I think is they're trying all the little cheap bandaid solutions first! Meanwhile the seas are being turned to oil! I guess those CEO'S think that all their money can buy them a clean gallon of water to drink the rest of their lives huh?
Val could you please tell me if there is an e mail address for me visible on my blog? Thanks a million!
I think BP is run by incompetent idiots! I really don't think they care.
I didn't see your email on your blog.
c'est horrible..
Yes, it is.
I read where the spill could continue into August. Yes, I know, at least another two months of heavy oil flow.
I was about to express the same as BigMac - it's a government issue as far as the handling of whatever contracts go.
I can't even imagine the damage that will be done after two more months of this. Sigh.
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