Last Friday I was walking around during lunch and was struck by the amount of seemingly mentally ill people I saw. I'm not talking one or two people but 6 or 7 people. And I wasn't even out that long. Seeing this made me think about how we treat each other in this country. If we don't collectively take care of those who can't take care of themselves then are we really civilized?
Surely allowing mentally ill people to suffer on the streets of this country is not moral, humane or ethical.
It's frightening to think that anyone of us could become mentally ill. And if we did who would help us? Hopefully family would but dealing with a mentally ill person can be expensive, time consuming and frustrating. Many a family has given up on a mentally ill relative. Then what?
The government closed down most free mental hospitals in this country in the 1980's. So that means that rather than getting treatment most mentally ill people end-up homeless or in jail.
That's a terrible thought, that America's mentally ill end-up locked in a jail cell.
I think I'll see about doing some volunteer work with the mentally ill or homeless. Maybe then I won't feel so sad about this.
Val I volunteer with a homeless shelter to feed the hungry the last Tuesday in every month....tomorrow. I look forward to it throughout the month; but there are times that I wonder just what happens every other day.
There will always be hungry people to feed. If you dwell on that fact long enough you'll depress the hell outta yourself.
Of all my rentals burned down by the homeless - all but one was caused by the actions of someone who was mentall ill.
I still have some compassion but after a while the ish gets old.
Yeah, I know I shouldn't dwell on it but seeing all those people shook me. That's good to hear about you volunteering. I'm going to find a place to do so myself.
I suppose it does get old but that's why we as a society need to do more so people can get the appropriate help.
This bothers me as well. There are so many causes I'd like to be a part of though. So many that are close to my heart. So I thought I would do something I enjoyed- something my grandfather did after he retired, and until he died. He was an excellent cook and he volunteered to cook at a retirement home near his place, and he ran errands for the elderly-taking them to dr appointments and to the grocery store... these are the things I'd want someone to do foy my mom if I wasn't around and she needed assistance. Every little bit helps. So that's what I've been doing the past year.
Wow, that's great that you are doing that. More people should!
@ Reg - Do you take your kids?
My young cousins thought very highly of themselves until I started taking them with me when I'd volunteer.
After seeing the needs of others and thier own wasted opportunities they've become more humble.
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