Monday, May 31, 2010

Remembering Private First Class LaVena Johnson

LaVena Johnson (July 27, 1985 - July 19, 2005) was a Private First Class in the United States Army whose death, officially ruled a suicide, has attracted international attention amid claims she was raped and murdered. She was the first female soldier from Missouri to die in Iraq. - Wikipedia

U.S. Army Private First Class LaVena Johnson signed up with the army to defend her country but when she needed defending her country, so far, has let her down. Private Johnson served in Iraq and died on June 19, 2005, eight days before her twentieth birthday. The Army ruled her death a suicide despite evidence that she was murdered.

The autopsy report and photographs revealed Johnson had a broken nose, black eye, loose teeth, burns from a corrosive chemical on her genitals, and a gunshot wound that seemed inconsistent with suicide. Several reporters have suspected that the chemical burns were to destroy DNA evidence of a rape
. - Wikipedia

Despite calls from her family and others to re-open the case looking into her death the U.S. Army has refused.

As we remember those who fought to protect this country on today let's not forget LaVena. And let's not forget to fight for her.

Read more about Pfc. LaVena Johnson here
Google search page for Pfc. LaVena Johnson here

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Great Spill of 2010, is what they'll call it 100 years from now

So here I am trying to enjoy my 3-day weekend and....

Whatever British Petroleum was trying to do all last week to stop the oil leak in the Gulf did not work. Am I surprised? Hell no I'm not surprised. What I am surprised about is that President Obama does not seem to get it. It's almost like this thing is playing out in slow motion and Obama still can't get up to speed.

It's becoming more and more obvious that BP has more power than President Obama, don't you think?

Someone needs to get BP the heck out of the way and find someone, the Army Corp of Engineers, a foreign government or whomever and get this damned leak plugged!

It is possible that we've already reached the point of no return as far as the health of the Gulf of Mexico is concerned. There is an astounding amount of oil in the Gulf and toxic dispersant right along with it. How many years will it be before anyone will be able to eat fish from the Gulf? How long will it take for the wetlands to come back?

And the scariest question is what if this leak goes on for months? Is it possible that this spill can foul all of the world's oceans? I'm not scientist but I know that ocean currents are strong enough to carry this oil a great distance.

This could turn into a world wide disaster of epic proportions.

Holiday Weekend Music: Gotan Project - Tango 3.0 - Peligro

There is a local college station here that normally plays a bunch of junk. But every now and then they get into a groove. They got into one recently and I heard this song, which I love! Check it out and let me know what you think.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Why am I so disappointed?

Alicia was a role model for me

So the news in the entertainment world today is that my favorite entertainer Alicia Keys is not only officially announcing that she's marrying music producer Swizz Beatz but that she is pregnant. Wow. Really, Alicia?! I guess I drank the Alicia Keys kool-aid because I really thought she was someone else. You know, I Am Your Superwoman, and all that.

I'm really stunned that Alicia is doing the having a baby with your fiancee thing. I've been surprised for a long time that Alicia would actually date Swizz. Anyway, I am just stunned. Just goes to show that as much as celebrities want to make us feel like we know them, we really don't.


Read more about this here and here


Everywhere I'm turning
Nothing seems complete
I stand up and I'm searching
For the better part of me
I hang my head from sorrow
state of humanity
I wear it on my shoulders
Gotta find the strength in me

Cause I am a Superwoman
Yes I am
Yes she is
Even when I'm a mess
I still put on a vest
With an S on my chest
Oh yes
I'm a Superwoman

For all the mothers fighting
For better days to come
And all my women, all my women sitting here trying
To come home before the sun
And all my sisters
Coming together
Say yes I will
Yes I can

Cause I am a Superwoman
Yes I am
Yes she is
Even when I'm a mess
I still put on a vest
With an S on my chest
Oh yes
I'm a Superwoman

When I'm breaking down
And I can't be found
And I start to get weak
Cause no one knows
Me underneath these clothes
But I can fly
We can fly, Oh

Cause I am a Superwoman
Yes I am
Yes she is
Even when I'm a mess
I still put on a vest
With an S on my chest
Oh yes
I'm a Superwoman

Joe Camel must be proud

The kid in the video below is two years old, lives in Sumatra and according to his parents smokes two packs of cigarettes a day. His parents also say he's been smoking since he was 18 months old. And they say if he doesn't get his smokes he throws temper tantrums.

For a long time anti-smoking activists have believed that cartoon characters, like Joe Camel above, entice children to smoke. And it looks like it might be working.

Flashback Friday: 80's British Soul - 52nd Street/ Mel and Kim

Read about 52nd Street here
Read about Mel and Kim here

Thursday, May 27, 2010

WTF Files: Matricide, evil twin style

According to reports the girls above, who are 16 year old twin sisters Tasmiyah and Jasmiyah Whitehead, killed their mother, 34 year old Jarmecca “Nikki” Whitehead, this past January in Conyers, Georgia. The twin sisters were arrested this past Friday.

On January 13 of this year the girls called police to say they had arrived home from school to find their mother stabbed to death. But apparently the girls had a history of violence and bad behavior and so friends of the family say they were suspicious of the girls story from the start.

Jarmeca "Nikki" Whitehead, 34

The sisters were arrested and according to media reports will be tried as adults. Police so far have not said what they think the motive was.

This story is truly shocking to me. Their mother's last moments alive must have been pure hell. Not just because she was in pain and dying, but because her daughters were the ones killing her. I wonder how her soul can ever rest after something like this.

Read more about this story: here and here

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Photo de Jour

According to news and blog reports President Obama is getting pretty angry about the situation in the gulf. I think he's angry because he's starting to see his Presidency spill into the Gulf of Mexico along with all that oil.

Photo source

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kilpatrick goes back to the hoosegow

Former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was sentenced today to 18 months to 5 years in prison for violating the terms of his probation after being convicted on September 4, 2008 of two felony counts of obstruction of justice and he plead no contest to assaulting a Wayne County Sheriff's Deputy.

Kilpatrick was ordered to pay one million dollars in restitution as part of his original sentence. Today a judge said that Kilpatrick had hidden money and not paid the restitution in a timely manner which led to the violation of his probation.

The judge also noted that Kilpatrick, who while living in a Dallas, Texas suburb, was living in a one million dollar home, driving expensive cars and that his wife had elective cosmetic surgery all while owing restitution. Kilpatrick moved to Dallas after being released from jail last year.

Chris Beatty

As you may remember Kilpatrick was also involved in what was called the text messaging scandal, when the Detroit Free Press obtained text messages between the then mayor and his chief of staff Christine Beatty showing that the two were having an intimate relationship. Both were married at the time and had denied having an affair.

Two4er Tuesday: Tevin Campbell

Tevin is an amazing talent. I hope one day he releases another album. Last I heard Tevin was appearing in a Broadway show.

Monday, May 24, 2010

civ·i·lized (adj.) Showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; humane, ethical, and reasonable.

Last Friday I was walking around during lunch and was struck by the amount of seemingly mentally ill people I saw. I'm not talking one or two people but 6 or 7 people. And I wasn't even out that long. Seeing this made me think about how we treat each other in this country. If we don't collectively take care of those who can't take care of themselves then are we really civilized?

Surely allowing mentally ill people to suffer on the streets of this country is not moral, humane or ethical.

It's frightening to think that anyone of us could become mentally ill. And if we did who would help us? Hopefully family would but dealing with a mentally ill person can be expensive, time consuming and frustrating. Many a family has given up on a mentally ill relative. Then what?

The government closed down most free mental hospitals in this country in the 1980's. So that means that rather than getting treatment most mentally ill people end-up homeless or in jail.

That's a terrible thought, that America's mentally ill end-up locked in a jail cell.

I think I'll see about doing some volunteer work with the mentally ill or homeless. Maybe then I won't feel so sad about this.

Holly Robinson Peete Celebrity Apprentice

Actress Holly Robinson Peete lost last night on NBC's Celebrity Apprentice to rocker Bret Michaels. As you may recall Bret Michaels suffered a brain hemorrhage recently and other health problems which received a lot of news coverage.

I certainly wish Bret well but I really must say that it was his illness that won him the Apprentice tittle last night. Holly was the better competitor throughout the show and raised, for charity, more money than anyone in the history of the show. But everyone seemed to feel Bret should win because he made it to the final show despite his recent illness.

Oh well. Congrats to Holly for a great job on the show. And you can show your support for Holly's charity, the HollyRod Foundation by purchasing Snapple's CompassionBerry Tea, which she formulated on the show.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A true American hero?

Are we going to wait until Reverend Jesse Jackson is gone to celebrate his life and what he has done for us and America? That's the question I asked myself this past week as I remembered El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz on his birthday.

The mainstream media has done its best over the past decade or two to destroy the reputation and legacy of Jesse Jackson. It has made fun of him, it has called him a civil rights leader for hire, it has even made fun of the way he talks. And unfortunately many of us have happily jumped on the media bandwagon and attacked the reverend as well.

And yes, I know that Reverend Jackson had a child out of wedlock back in 1999. That certainly was not a good thing. But why are we so quick to attack our heroes and tear them down? Mainstream America still celebrates Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, both of whom held enslaved Africans. Jefferson was even a rapist. Raping Sally Hemming for most of her life. And yet America defends both as heroes.

Jackson was also attacked prior to the 2008 Presidential election for a statement he made about then candidate Barack Obama.*

Reverend Jackson made mistakes but that should not discount his fight for our rights over the last 5 decades. Jesse Jackson stood with Martin Luther King, risking his life. And after Dr. King was gone Jesse kept fighting and he's still fighting.

Most people have stated that there could be no President Barack Obama without there being Martin Luther King. But the truth of the matter is that there could have been no President Obama had there not been Presidential candidate Jackson in the 1980's.

The list of Reverend Jackson's accomplishments, including running twice for President of the United States, are too long to list here. But it should be noted that Reverend Jackson defended and fought for civil rights all over the planet for all sorts of people. He never ran from a fight for civil rights.

So now Reverend Jackson is getting up there in years, he's 68 years-old. He won't be around forever. So I ask again; are we going to wait until Reverend Jackson is gone to remember and celebrate his life's work? Will we continue to allow attacks on him now only to pretend that we didn't after he's gone?

Reverend Jackson should be honored and revered not only in the African American communities of this country but by this country as a whole. His work has not only benefited African Americans but all Americans.

I won't wait until he's gone. Thank you Reverend Jackson for taking the risks and fighting the good fight for all of these years on our behalf. You are a true American hero.

Read about Revered Jackson's work here

*Much was made of a statement Jesse Jackson made that was caught on camera about Barack Obama and how he thought Obama condescended to African Americans. Reverend Jackson was attacked relentlessly for making that statement. But after a little time has passed many of us know that he was right, that Barack Obama the candidate and the President, is very condescending to African Americans. The President has repeatedly preached to us like we're children, that we should be responsible. Note the President never gives that be responsible speech to anyone other than African Americans.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mmm, mmm, good!

Some beef, we don't know which because the FDA won't force beef companies to tell us, comes from the off-spring of cloned cows.

Most of the food we eat contains genetically altered/ engineered ingredients. But of course there is no law requiring companies to label what is genetically altered.

Most of the time we have no idea where our food is grown, processed or packaged. There is no law requiring companies to label food with that info.

A toxic chemical called BPA (bishphenol A) is in most canned foods. BPA has been in the news lately and the media is acting as though this is a new discovery when a simple google of BPA shows that this info has been around for a few years.

There is mercury in most fish. So much so that doctors warn pregnant women to severely limit their intake of fish.

A chemical called Benzene is found in most soda. The chemical forms when a chemical reaction occurs between ascorbic acid and potassium benzoate. The FDA has known about this since 1990 but withheld the info from the public for 16 years. Benzene causes cancer.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ladies and gentleman introducing Miss USA


Long before Rima Fakih was crowned Miss USA 2010, she took home top honors in a contest that would make even Donald Trump blush.

Miss Michigan, who made history Sunday night as the first Arab-American to win the Miss USA beauty pageant, won a pole dancing contest in 2007 hosted by local Detroit radio morning show Mojo in the Morning.

I really think this is so funny. But a lot of people seem to think the new Miss USA should lose her crown because she was a contestant in a stripper contest. I don't think it's a big deal but I really wonder if the person at Miss USA whose job it is to do background checks still has their job since this isn't the first time something like this has happened.

If you recall last year Miss USA contestant Carrie Prejean was stripped of her Miss California crown after topless photos of her surfaced. Anyway, Donald Trump, who owns the Miss USA contest, needs to do what he does on his TV show The Apprentice and fire somebody.

Two4er Tuesday: Arsenio Hall Show music performances

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ben Franklin stinks!

I hate using cash. I hate using it because it stinks! Whenever I open my wallet I am met with pure funk if I have paper money in it. What's up with that?

So I'm wondering why U.S. currency smells so badly. I've heard that most money in this country has traces of cocaine on it. Could that be it? Does cocaine stink? Or do they mix cocaine with stuff that stinks?

What else would cause money to stink so badly? I really can't think of anything other than drugs, can you? Anyway, the U.S. Treasury needs to find some stink-proof paper to make money from and I hope they do it soon!

Rays - Be Alone Tonight (School Daze Soundtrack)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

California residents please vote NO on Prop 16!

From SFGATE/ San Francisco Chronicle

California has a long, expensive history of fighting over public power - electric service provided by government.

Proposition 16 on the June ballot would radically alter the rules of engagement.

The ballot measure, funded to the tune of $35 million almost entirely by Pacific Gas and Electric Co., would force local governments to win the approval of two-thirds of their voters before jumping into the electricity business.

Time and again, cities have tried to break free from PG&E to start their own municipal utilities or join others. Sometimes these fights involve a vote by residents, sometimes they don't. PG&E, based in San Francisco, usually prevails.

But the utility, California's largest, doesn't always win. Marin County started its own public power agency last week, under a new system called community choice aggregation that doesn't require a public vote. San Francisco officials want to follow suit. So do communities elsewhere in the Bay Area and the Central Valley.

If Prop. 16 passes, most of those local efforts would fail, public power advocates say. While they might be able to win a simple majority in an election, advocates say, the two-thirds requirement could prove insurmountable. They consider the ballot measure nothing less than PG&E's attempt to crush their movement.

"This is a for-profit corporation trying to kill off its not-for-profit rivals," said San Francisco Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi. "Prop. 16 is a colossal fraud perpetrated on the people of California."

Read the rest here

Vote NO on Prop 16!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

More sad supermodel news

Beverly appearing in a magazine editorial

(Supermodel) Beverly Peele Injured in Car Accident

Model Beverly Peele was critically injured in a car accident in Los Angeles on Monday night, TMZ reports. According to a source, she is currently in “very serious condition” at the UCLA Medical Center. Peele has appeared on over 250 magazine covers throughout the 1980s, and was the face of several campaigns, including Ralph Lauren, Donna Karan, and Versace.


I completely missed this story this week about Beverly. First Noémie Lenoir attempts suicide last Sunday and then Beverly is in a car accident on Monday. What a week.

Also, I read reports that Beverly's daughter was in the car and suffered serious injuries as well.

Beverly Peele doesn't get her due. She was one of the most successful models of the late 80's and early 90's covering about 250 magazines. Anyway, more prayers for Noémie and prayers also for Beverly and her daughter. I hope they all recover soon.

Read more about Beverly here

Saturday Flashback!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Supermodel Noémie Lenoir attempts suicide

Noémie appearing in an ad for The GAP

Noémie Lenoir, the French model and face of Marks & Spencer, is recovering in hospital after attempting suicide, according to French police sources.

Lenoir, who has also starred in campaigns for L’Oréal, Next and Gap, was found unconscious on Sunday after taking drugs and alcohol at the home of Claude Makélélé, the France footballer and father of her son, 5, police and hospital sources said. It is not clear whether Makélélé was at the house.

The model, 30, called the rescue services from the property in La Celle-Saint-Cloud, an exclusive Paris suburb, but telephoned again to cancel her request for an ambulance.

She left the house on foot before collapsing in a nearby wood, where she was found by a passer-by, who called the emergency services.

Noémie is an amazing beauty and one of the worlds most successful models. I will be pulling for her and hoping that she gets the help that she needs and finds peace.

Speaking of Black models, Racialicious has a nice piece about racism in high fashion. Check it out here.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Gulf Coast spill isn't BP's first major U.S. oil spill so why is the media not mentioning their previous spill?

The Prudhoe Bay oil field spill on Alaska's North Slope is seen on Monday, March 13, 2006. Cleaning up the spill estimated at up to 267,000 gallons in the Prudhoe Bay oil field has been slow going because workers are having to take frequent breaks to protect themselves against extreme conditions. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

From Origionally Published on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 by the Independent / UK

Across the frozen North Slope of Alaska, the region's largest oil accident on record has been sending hundreds of thousands of litres of crude pouring into the Arctic Ocean during the past week after a badly corroded BPO pipeline ruptured.

The publicity caused by the leak in the the 30-year-old pipeline could seriously damage BP's image, which has been carefully crafted to show it as a company concerned about the environment.

I think it's really strange that no major news organization has mentioned the 2006 British Petroleum oil spill in Alaska. The mainstream media is falling all over themselves covering the current spill off the gulf coast but ignoring that this spill is history repeating itself. The spill in Alaska occurred because of poor maintenance on the pipeline. The spill in the gulf seems to have occurred because the best available technology to prevent blowouts of drilling wells was not used. So it seems that BP has a history of being lax on preventing oil spills.

Even at the congessional hearing in Washington yesterday to determine who is most responsible for the spill no one mentioned the previous spill.

So what's really going on?

Val Recommends: Desert Flower

I saw the film Desert Flower recently. It stars supermodel Liya Kebede. The film is based on the book of the same name by former model Waris Dirie and like the book tells the story of Dirie's life. I won't go into detail but the film deals with Dirie's life as an immigrant from Somolia in London, her early modeling career and through flashbacks her troubling childhood.

The film held my attention mostly because of the wonderful on screen presence of Liya Kebede. I've only seen her in small parts in films previously but she shines in the lead role as Dirie. Also I must warn you that the film is a tearjerker. I highly recommend this film which is available on dvd.

Waris Dirie (left) with Liya Kebede

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I hate to say I told you so but...

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about my being absolutely sure that President Obama was not going to nominate an African American woman to the Supreme Court. And I was right. Yesterday Obama nominated former Harvard Law School dean and current Solicitor General of the United States Elena Kagan. Anyway, I'm not disappointed as I don't expect Obama to show any love to his most loyal constituents. And if another Supreme Court Justice steps down I'm pretty sure Obama would nominate a judge from the planet Mars before he'd nominate a Black woman. I'm just calling it as I see it.

Photo(s) de Jour


Monday, May 10, 2010

Lena Mary Calhoun Horne (June 30, 1917 – May 9, 2010)

We've lost a great one.

Can America be saved from Plutocracy?

"Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth. The combination of both plutocracy and oligarchy is called plutarchy.

In a plutocracy, the degree of economic inequality is high while the level of social mobility is low. This can apply to a multitude of government systems, as the key elements of plutocracy transcend and often occur concurrently with the features of those systems."
- Wikipedia

What amazes me is that so many middle-class Americans have been duped into supporting American plutocracy. Namely the Tea Party folks, who have become the 'peasants for plutocracy'. But with the Tea Partiers I think their rabid racism is blinding them to what they are really supporting. The illustration above is a perfect picture of how idiotic the Tea Party movement really is.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Like mother, like daughter

Beautiful actress Phylicia Rashād with her stunning daughter Condola Rashād attend the premiere of the film Just Wright which stars Queen Latifah and Common. Condola is 24 years-old and an actress.

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is a holiday that commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín. While not an "obligatory federal holiday" in Mexico, it is celebrated primarily in the state of Puebla, and in the United States.

From Wikipedia

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Too big to fail part two

By now most of you have heard about the proposed merger between United Airlines and Continental Airlines, which if it happens will make the new carrier the largest airline in the world. So the mergers never stop it seems. Big companies become huge companies and huge companies become mega-companies.

Anybody know what ever happened to TWA airlines?

Anyway, with all of the talk surrounding the failures of big financial companies and companies that were deemed to big to be allowed to fail why isn't anyone talking about the merger between United and Continental creating a too big to fail company?

Both airlines have lost billions of dollars in the last several years. So why is it a given that this merger will be successful? And if it isn't then what? How many jobs are at stake here? A hundred thousand or more maybe.

Also what about the decreasing competition among U.S. airlines. In the last few years we've seen Delta merge with Northwest airlines to create what is now the largest airline in the world. And if the merger between United and Continental happens look to American Airlines and US Air to merge. We'd have three mega carriers carrying most of this country's and the worlds airline passengers.

Wouldn't all three be too big to fail?

One more thing. If we only have three mega carriers in the U.S and three or four discount airlines like Air Tran and Southwest, what will happen to ticket prices? Sure ticket prices at well served cities like New York and L.A. will be competitive. But what happens in smaller cities? We all know what will happen. Prices will go up and frequency of service will go down.

Hopefully our government will step in to stop this merger. We don't need any more mega companies in this country. We need real competition to spark better service and lower prices. Let what happened on Wall Street be a warning across all industries that too big to fail is not good for anyone.

Anybody want to wager that within 10 years there will only be two giant airlines in the U.S.? That's two if we're lucky.

Music for a Tuesday: Al Di Meola with Paco De Lucia and John McLaughlin - Mediterranean Sundance

This performance is amazing!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Alicia never stops!

Alicia Keys never stops promoting her music. That's one of the things I admire most about her. She is so disciplined when it comes to promotion. This commercial for Samsung is another way for her to promote her album. And I love the spot, she looks great as always.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Finally, an Alaskan you can believe in!

From the N.Y. Daily News

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin just can't escape her old archnemesis.

Twenty-six years after beating Palin for the crown of Miss Alaska, Maryline Blackburn is setting her sights on a political title.

Blackburn, a Democrat, will announce Thursday that she is challenging the Republican incumbent Rich Golick for his seat on the Georgia House of Representatives, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports.

Since becoming the first African-American to win Miss Alaska, Blackburn moved to Georgia shortly afterward and went on to a career as a singer and actress. Palin, then the reigning Miss Wasilla and now a Fox News contributor, finished as second runner-up in the 1984 pageant - but also took home the title of Miss Congeniality.


Very interesting. Good luck to Ms. Blackburn.

Read more about Maryline Blackburn here

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Trouble on the Gulf Coast is Déjà vu all over again

As you probably know there is an environmental disaster taking place just off the gulf coast. After an oil rig fire and the sinking of the oil rig the well is now pumping thousands of barrels a day of oil into the gulf. So far all efforts to contain the oil have failed and it's expected that the oil will begin reaching the coast any day.

As upsetting as this is, especially to the residents on the gulf coast, what is even more disturbing is that British Petroleum, which was leasing the well, probably won't pay any damages to residents for decades. I am pretty sure this is going to be the case because this sort of thing has happened before.

The oil tanker Exxon Valdez spilled at least 10 million gallons of oil into Prince William Sound in Alaska in 1989. The aftermath was the greatest environmental disaster ever in U.S. history. Just as disturbing is that after the spill hundreds of Alaskans sued Exxon and the case is still not resolved. That's right, the spill occurred in 1989 and due to appeal after appeal by Exxon the case is still in court. Many of the litigants at this point have died.

So if the fisherpersons and others who make their money on the gulf coast or live on the coast are expecting a quick financial resolution from British Petroleum, they need to read about the Exxon Valdez disaster.

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Soldier Of Love

I've lost the use of my heart
But I'm still alive
Still looking for the life
The endless pool on the other side
It's a wild wild west
I'm doing my best

I'm at the borderline of my faith,
I'm at the hinterland of my devotion
In the frontline of this battle of mine
But I'm still alive

I'm a soldier of love.
Every day and night
I'm soldier of love
All the days of my life

I've been torn up inside (oh!)
I've been left behind (oh!)
So I ride
I have the will to survive

In the wild wild west,
Trying my hardest
Doing my best
To stay alive

I am love's soldier!

I wait for the sound
(oooh oohhh)

I know that love will come (that love will come)
Turn it all around

I'm a soldier of love (soldier of love)
Every day and night
I'm a soldier of love
All the days of my life

I am lost
But I don't doubt (oh!)
So I ride
I have the will to survive

In the wild wild west,
Trying my hardest
Doing my best
To stay alive

I am love's soldier!

I wait for the sound

I know that love will come
I know that love will come
Turn it all around

I'm a soldier of love
I'm a soldier

Still waiting for love to come
Turn it all around

I'm a soldier of love
I'm a soldier

Still waiting for love to come
Turn it all around

Still waiting for love to come

Miss Keri Baby!



The only interesting Knowles

un·for·get·ta·ble: Earning a permanent place in the memory; memorable: an unforgettable experience.

Alicia says...

Rest in Peace Mitrice

Rest in Peace Mitrice
Mitrice Richardson