In the early part of last century France was a place of refuge for many African Americans. It was a place they could experience freedoms they could not in America. So to see France on the verge of instituting this regressive and oppressive ban is sad and disappointing. I hope they think about their recent history under the Nazis and realize what a bad idea this is.
It's simple Val,it's all about fear of the unknown.
It's also about control and sexism,in the minds of white europeans.
My two cents says for folk to leave other folk alone and let them honor their religion anyway they please as long as it doesn't harm someone.
Yep, sexism is at the core of this.
Sad isn't it?!?
It's as if thought and common sense have been thrown out of the window. It's really a shame and years from now when these people realize how bigoted what they did was, they'll simply make up excuses for it. They'll say that it was just a sign of the times.
It's all bullshit.
It's like a mass hysteria or something. I would expect this from the Germans but the French?
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