I saw the film Skin starring Sophie Okonedo recently and was pleasantly surprised to see a film that takes a very different angle on race. The film is about a girl who appears Black but was born to White parents. The story follows the family's efforts to have their daughter classified as White by the government and the difficulty that brings to her in life. This takes place in South Africa and is based on a true story.
This film is a must see for many reasons. The acting is understated and the story is not formulaic as you might expect. Skin was in limited release this past fall so you may be able to see it on dvd by now.
Val! I am unable to see the trailer at the moment. *sad face* After reading the post I definitely am curious to know more about this film.
Oh, and momma's baby, daddy's maybe.
No way her father and mother are both white. Just saying.
I don't want to give the plot away totally so I'll just say you'll be surprised about her parents.
And Don, try the trailer again when you get a chance. Let me know if you see it.
Thanks, I'm always looking for something interesting.
You're welcome.
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