Remember swine flu? Remember the hysterical news reports about it being a pandemic and the hundreds of millions of people it would kill? Remember the head honchos of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control giving numerous press conferences warning governments around the world to get prepared for the onslaught? Remember the long, long lines of frightened citizens waiting for swine flu vaccine?
So, what happened? Well swine flu did cause several thousand fatalities here in the U.S. Over-all however swine flu was not the killer that was predicted. In fact it was not even close to what those who are supposed to know predicted.
All of this reminds me of the slightly less hysterical reports surrounding bird flu and SARS a few years ago. Those were supposed to be pandemics as well.
How could all of those people have been wrong, you ask. How could governments and health organizations around the world have been so far off in their predictions, you ask. Well I don't know. But what I do know is that hundreds of millions of doses of swine flu vaccine were sold by big pharmaceutical companies to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
So while most of us were frighted silly by the predictions of a swine flu pandemic were multi-national pharmaceutical companies hyping up the hype in hopes of making a financial killing? That's what I'd like to know. But I really don't expect the media nor governments to examine their own hysteria after the fact. So I suppose we'll never know.
Trying to scare everyone into backing the Government's FORCED healthcare coverage.
Big Pharma would really make a killing then.
I don't know about that but I imagine they've done pretty well under that Bush drug program for seniors.
To be honest, I've always thought that a flu or some kind of virus was always a greater threat to mankind than nuclear holocaust.
One of these days, mankind is gonna get unlucky as hell.
I think there's more of a threat from the food supply than from a pandemic. The FDA doesn't do it's job at all.
I don't know Val, I don't think that diarrhea is gonna kill us.
Thousands die from eating tainted food every year. Plus, do we really know if genetically engineered food or meat from the off-spring of cloned animals is safe?
The FDA and big business are using the American people as a mass experiment. And we won't know the results for decades. Remember saccharin? It was supposed to be safe too.
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