Health-Care Reform
It is amazing to me how few Americans can think either critically or logically. Case-in-point, most Americans are against health-care reform. How is it possible that the majority of Americans are against something that will help them? The answer is that it is only possible if Americans are not able to think in a logical manor. And if Americans are not able to think logically then health-care reform or the lack of it is the least of our worries.
Why is Public Broadcasting so lily white? My local PBS station is having a beg-a-thon this week and I am wondering why any Person of Color would want to give any money to PBS which looks like ABC, NBC and CBS when it comes to diversity. Masterpiece Theater, Antiques Roadshow, The Mclaughlin Group, where is the diversity? The only non-White programming seems to be during a couple of months a year when PBS begrudgingly acknowledges the histories of People of Color. During those months we get a few, mostly recycled, shows featuring people of color on PBS. But then it's back to regular programming and we are once again invisible.
NBA Basketball
There is a NBA game on as I type this. I ask myself; was the NBA always this boring?
As someone who lives on the west coast I admit that I'm a little jealous of the winter weather on the east coast. I know that snow can really be a pain after a certain point but it just looks so cozy now on the east coast. But I guess there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, right.
I really don't get Mo'Nique receiving a Best Actress Academy Award Nomination for her role in the film Precious née PUSH. From what I've seen of Mo'Nique she is a tacky and abrasive person much like the person she portrays in the film. So in my opinion the role was so close to who she is, minus the child abuse, that she really does not deserve a Nomination.
Healthcare Reform and the millions against it boggle my mind as well. I've had health insurance for 98% of my life and I have it now. How anyone could or would be against it, I just don't understand.
As far as the NBA is concerned; yes, it's been this boring for a very long time. It's been this boring since he himself retired. I honestly haven't watched it since then. Today's so called stars just don't move me.
It's amazing how big business can convince people to be against their own interests.
There is just something about the players that is so uninspiring. And at the core of sport is that they are supposed to be inspiring.
Tell em about it - the NBA. I cannot really get into the regular season anymore. Looking forward to the playoffs.
Also, the movie Precious bothers me, still. I understand how it takes place in society and all, but I should have skipped the showing myself.
Are the play-offs better? Lol I hope so. But I usually wait until the last couple of games of the championship series.
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