Almost five years after Hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast most of the residents of New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward have not returned. Most of the Lower Ninth Ward remains in shambles.

But we all know that since most of the people who lived in the Lower Ninth were Black that the media would love to put the story of their plight behind and replace those stories with dozens of stories about a New Orleans come back based on a win in the Superbowl by the Saints.
So, I'm going to be rooting for the Indianapolis Colts and hoping that the New Orleans Saints remain the 'Ain'ts'.
I lived in a suburb of 'Nawlins for 9 years of my life, both my children were born there. I still feel a tie to the area. These images are familiar, I have been to New Orleans twice since Katrina devastated the area. It's hard to look at these pictures and not be angry......really hard.
I'm pulling for the Saints, even though they're in for a tough battle. Peyton Mannings is an excellent quarterback. The Saints can win, provided they show up big time. If they lose, it'll ruin my son's weekend. He's a bigtime Saints fan.
The whole Gulf area looks like these photos.
NOLA just got all the attention.
I lost three rentals in Louisiana and two in Texas due to recent storms.
Geaux Saints!
I can only imagine how angry those photos must make you as someone who has direct ties to New Orleans.
Looks like your son got his wish! :-)
Yeah New Orleans got most of the attention I know a lot of other areas were devastated as well. Hopefully the whole area will get more than attention and get money to re-build.
Congrats on the Saints victory.
We did it...
I remember when fans wore paper bags @ Saints home games. LOL.
Mardi Gras next week!
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